The Wisdom of the Trees

In every group of trees, there is a Mother Tree -- a tree which shares its wisdom. This wisdom-sharing is designed to nurture, heal, protect and expand the trees surrounding the Mother Tree. As we embark on a mixed media journey creating a Mother Tree Spirit Doll, we are invited (and encouraged) to listen to the wisdom of the trees.

Mother Tree Spirit Doll

The Mother Tree Spirit Doll embodies the archetype of the Mother Tree. It symbolizes the potent wisdom of the Mother Tree, as well as acts as a catalyst for connection to that wisdom.

The tree branch from which it is created carries the wisdom passed down from the Mother Tree. By utilizing a tree branch in the making of the Spirit Doll, we infuse the doll with this gift of wisdom. And by having a Mother Tree Spirit Doll in our homes, we remain in constant connection and contact with the Source of Wisdom.

I invite you to open your heART and mind to creating and utilizing this powerHER-ful symbol of Divine Wisdom and Knowledge.

Powerful Medicine

Thank you Sumaiyah Wysdom Yates for your Ancestral Archetype Activation class. I am still working with her but the fact that I connected with my Taino Ancestor and that last night I dreamt with both my sister's who have passed, is proof of the power of the medicine you are offering.

Milagros Suriano-Rivera

Eye Opener

I am learning to paint from my heart and bloom where I'm at. It was an honor being in circle with you. Your class was an eye opener for me thank you so much!!

Margaret Matos

No Adequate Words

There are no adequate words to express the impact this book has had on me. I have witnessed its power in other women's lives, as well, that I am entrusted to support and assist in guiding them in their personal healing process. The non-linear fashion of the book allows survivors to access the chapter and topic most relevant for them, respectively, at the time. Each chapter opens with poetry, a thoughtful and encouraging technique for healing, and an a final activity. The manual emphasizes support, healing, and empowerment. It is respectful of each woman's personal journey post assault. The book is endorsed by Tori Amos, of RAINN. The authors have thoroughly succeeded in creating a new and engaging approach in assisting female survivors of sexual assault in their personal journey to both healing and wellness.



  Mother Tree Spirit Doll Workshop
Available in days
days after you enroll

Limited Time Offer!

Take A Journey Into the Trees Today!

Julia Cameron in her book The Artist's Way, encourages us to take a weekly "Artist Date" with our Self. I invite you to visit an outdoor space with plenty of trees where you can sit, watch the course video, and listen for the wisdom that is sure to come. Make that your Artist Date for this week, then return home with a small branch that you have recovered from the tree-lined space you visited and create your Mother Tree Spirit Doll.

This accomplishes two things:

  1. Sacred Self-Care - Dedicated time where you focus on you and only you.
  2. Your Artist Date for the week.

It is imperative that we take time for self-care -- that's the only way to heal! Without spending focused time on You, healing cannot begin. As Zen Shin tells us: "A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms." Let us not think about the next task that doesn't focus solely on our Self unless and until we have spent dedicated time focusing on our Self. In other words, do not compete with other things; take time for your Self and bloom.